Bespoke Magazine

Bespoke is the TACCOC club magazine for its members. It is printed roughly four times a year, and John Holmes has been the Editor since the club began in 1976. From time to time, various extracts of interest will appear on this site…


  • Bespoke Winter 2018 (30/04/2018) by John Holmes - Electric car batteries major source of CO2 By Johan Kristensson  Enormous hope has been placed in electric cars being a solution to climate change.  However, manufacture of batteries for electric cars is not especially environmentally friendly.  Several tonnes of carbon dioxide are released, even before electric batteries leave the factory. IVL, the Swedish Environment Institute has, on behalf of the… Read More ...
  • Editorial Autumn 2018 (23/04/2018) by John Holmes - OK; this is just one man’s opinion of the January Bathurst Festival at Hampton Downs.  It comes from the online newsletter at ‘CRC’, and was written by someone with the nom de plume ‘Spannerman’.  No, I don’t know who he is, but he was not impressed with the very first Festival entirely created and run by the Hampton Downs… Read More ...
  • Spring 2016 (04/10/2016) by John Holmes - The seemingly illogical and ill-conceived imposition of a blanket $25 plus GST additional fee on every competitor at Hampton Downs, has not been followed by any of the other circuits. It was said to cover ‘Health and Safety’, and has been received very badly by the competitors. The unpopularity of this random and draconian extra fee was confirmed at the… Read More ...